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Frequently Asked Questions

​1. When should we contact you about using your services? The sooner the better!! A doula's calendar can fill up quite quickly due to the fact that approximately 4 weeks must be set aside for on-call status for each client. I normally see a client 2 times before she actually goes into labor as well. I cannot guarantee that I will be available if you happen to call me for the first time a week before your due date or when you go into labor.

2. Do you accept insurance? Insurance companies vary greatly and typically do not cover doula services. I personally do not file insurance claims to receive payment.

3. Do you attend homebirths? Absolutely yes!! I will attend homebirths as long as a midwife is present for the birth. I also attend hospital and birth center births.

4. What if I want an epidural? The decision to have an epidural or other pain medication during your labor is your choice. As long as you make an informed decision, I will respect your wishes. I will still continue to support you and your partner throughout the labor and birth.

5. Why do I need a doula if my husband/birth partner/family will be with me? Most partners/family are wonderful support systems, however, several studies have proven that women supported by a doula have many beneficial outcomes. Please review the benefits on the "Home page". Not to mention that everyone needs a bathroom or snack break!

6. Who can benefit from having a doula present during labor and birth? EVERY woman that is pregnant, from the scared teenager to the seasoned mother who has given birth many times before! Every pregnancy, labor and birth can be very different. ALL women deserve to have an experienced professional to give continuous emotional, physical and informational support!!

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